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New iPhone To Clobber The Point-And-Shoot Camera

by coolmelon 2009. 6. 24.
Silicon Alley Insider - Daily Chart
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New iPhone To Clobber The Point-And-Shoot Camera

Earlier today, we marveled at a series of digital photos taken with the Apple's latest iPhone 3G S. The photos show a huge improvement of the iPhone's camera, and we wondered if this trend might spell trouble for big-time point-and-shoot camera-maker Canon and rivals like Casio, Sony, and Nikon.

Turns out it already has. Yahoo's photo-sharing site Flickr monitors the most popular cameras used in its community, and the iPhone has been shooting up Flickr's charts over the last year. A better camera -- and video recording -- can only help. Read >

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